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Your monthly newsletter from West Midlands Fire Service

West Midlands Fire Service Monthly Newsletter


Better Housing, Better Health

Better Housing, Better Health provide advice on energy efficiency, damp and mould, priority service for the older people, young children and long-term health conditions, and debt and advice. 

Better Housing Better Health Information Leaflet

Better Housing Better Health Information Poster






New Pet Policy               

St Peter’s has introduced a new pet policy. All tenants MUST apply for permission if they wish to have a pet.

Cats and dogs are not generally allowed in flats that do not open straight out into an outdoor space. However, consideration will be given where evidence is provided that the pet is for assistive purposes.

Click to view our Pets Policy


Four Million Homes online training sessions

Our series of 8 online training sessions start again soon.

Sign up for free and learn how you can make change in your home and neighbourhood.

Our training events are all recognised by the Chartered Institute of Housing on completion of the session.  Sessions are open to all social housing residents. Closed captions will be enabled.

Online training session 1: Know your rights to engage and be heard

November 6 @ 18:30 – 20:30

An introduction to resident rights and engagement.

Online training session 2: Equality, diversity, and inclusion

November 19 @ 18:30 – 20:30

Equality, diversity and inclusion – from participant experiences to what landlords need to be doing.

Online training session 3: Resident Panels

December 3 @ 18:30 – 20:30

Across the social housing sector Resident Panels are involved in decision-making, monitoring and scrutiny, complaints, service review, policy consideration and various other functions. This session sets the context and explains why Resident Panels are so important.

Online training session 4 – How to run an effective residents’ association

December 17 @ 18:30 – 20:30

A residents’ association is a group of people who live in a neighbourhood and decide that they want to get together to deal with issues that affect their local community. The group can include tenants, shared owners, leaseholders and homeowners. This session looks at the sort of issues that residents’ associations can address and what you need to set up and run one.

Online training session 5 – Social housing legal requirements

January 7, 2025 @ 18:30 – 20:30

This session outlines the key areas of the law that Registered Providers need to ensure they are compliant with, and also the records that they should maintain; it does not seek to provide detailed legal advice.

Online training session 6 – Social housing regulatory requirements

January 21, 2025 @ 18:30 – 20:30

The key areas of the Regulatory Framework that Registered Providers need to ensure they are compliant with, particularly including new changes to consumer regulation from April 2024.

Online training session 7 – Understanding landlord financial models

February 4, 2025 @ 18:30 – 20:30

How the finance works, both for landlords’ existing homes and the development of new homes.

Online training session 8 – Options for resident control

February 18, 2025 @ 18:30 – 20:30

This session explores different options for resident control, ownership and management of their homes and assets.

Book now!


Your monthly newsletter from West Midlands Fire Service

Welcome to October’s edition of our monthly newsletter.

As Autumn takes hold, there are now only a few weeks until the clocks go back, Hallowe’en and Diwali. So now is the perfect time to check out our tips for the safe use of candles.

We know that many of you will also be thinking about how to heat your home in an affordable way. That’s why we’ve created a dedicated page on our website about how to do so safely – with some information for people who might be finding the bills a struggle.

We hope you manage to stay both warm and safe as the nights draw in.
Here’s what’s included:

  • e-bike and e-scooter safety
  • wet weather and flooding
  • congrats to our teams at the Festival of Rescue
  • Staffordshire and West Midlands Fire Control celebrate 10 years
  • Don’t forget our WhatsApp channel
  • The Midlands Air Ambulance Charity Awards

To view our October Newsletter.

Essential Online Safety Tips 

Get Safe Online has joined up with Neighbourhood Alert to offer a one-off ‘Essential Online Safety Tips’ webinar for Neighbourhood Alert users.

Get Safe Online has been delivering online safety awareness across a number of countries around the world, working with local governmental bodies and partners to ensure individuals, communities and small businesses are safer online. Today we operate in 27 countries around the world and through our Get Safe Online Ambassador programme regularly deliver online safety training to networks and communities around the world.

So this October, thanks to Neighbourhood Alert, we are bringing some free training to your community.

Taking place on Thursday 3rd October at 1pm you are invited to register here:

Webinar Registration – Zoom

Our Get Safe Online expert, Liz Stanton, MBE will run the session online for an hour, during which time you will have the opportunity to listen to her advice and raise questions about online safety. Places are limited.

For further information on Get Safe Online please visit www.getsafeonline.org



Four Million Homes Supporter’s Kit – September 2024

The Four Million Homes programme was borne out of evidence from the Grenfell Inquiry which showed that some tenants felt they weren’t listened to or treated with respect and courtesy. After the devastating report of the Final Inquiry, the Prime Minister said:

‘And in the memory of Grenfell, we will change our country.
Not just a change in policy and regulation…although that must of course take place…
But a profound shift in culture and behaviour.
A rebalancing of power
That gives voice and respect to every citizen, whoever they are, wherever they live.’

Four Million Homes is trying to give them that voice. 

The Four Million Homes programme has lots of events and activities coming up this year, please let your residents know about them.

This Supporter’s Kit includes information about the activities we have planned so far, and we would be very grateful if you could disseminate this information to your residents using your various communication channels.

You can access the Supporter’s Kit here.


Your monthly newsletter from West Midlands Fire Service

Welcome to September’s edition of our monthly newsletter.

We hope you enjoyed a pleasant summer. Now, with Autumn fast approaching, we’ve got lots of things to share this month!

View our September newsletter.

Here’s what’s included:

  • join our new WhatsApp channel
  • garden bonfires
  • karaoke microphone recall
  • chimney safety
  • gas safety week
  • Emergency Services Day 2024
  • Breathing Apparatus Challenge
  • 50th anniversary open days
  • Grenfell Inquiry Phase 2 report released
  • Annual Service of Remembrance and Wreath-Laying Ceremony


Your monthly newsletter from West Midlands Fire Service

Welcome to August’s edition of our newsletter.

Summer is in full swing and we hope you’ve enjoyed the warmer days.

Continue to be mindful of hotter weather and remember to check in on those who may need some support during this time.
View our August newsletter.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Summer water safety
  • Our new WhatsApp channel
  • Open days
  • Heatwave safety
  • The Olympics
  • Fire Cadet successes at an international competition

Get Safe Online – New ‘Self Help Tool Centre’

Get Safe Online has launched a new ‘Self Help Tool Centre’ which contains nine free, easy-to-use tools to help keep you and your family safe, secure and confident when using the internet.  Access information for this and advice on investment fraud can be found on their update letter in the link below.

Investment Fraud – Get Safe Online

My Home Insurance – Insurance for Social Housing Tenants

Concord Youth Centre – Travel Safety Campaign     

Crash data for the wards of Alum Rock, Ward End or Bordesley & Highgate has an unusually high rate of passenger casualties.  ‘Passenger casualties’ are people who registered as being injured in a collision.  Analysis shows that the people who were injured were likely to be of Pakistani or Bangladeshi heritage and the rate of non-seatbelt use in the wards is currently 7 times higher (38%) than the national average (5%).  Whilst there may be several reasons why passenger casualty rates are high, it can be said with confidence that it is likely that higher rates of non-seatbelt wearing is contributing to the high number of injuries occurring in these wards.

Concord Youth Centre part of Birmingham Youth Service has been involved in developing a high quality video campaign funded by Travel WM to highlight the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt.  The links show the three video shorts.

The last 10 seconds will change everything

How did it go from Motivational Monday to this?

People couldn’t get over what happened to Yousuf

We’re talking stalking – here’s what you need to know

National Stalking Awareness Week is 22nd – 26th April.

Watch the romantic comedy trailer video below to see how these seemingly small gestures can escalate to something far more sinister.

Stalking is a serious crime. It can make you feel scared and frightened to leave your home, but remember – you are not alone and there is help available.  Stalking doesn’t always involve threats. In reality, stalking can be a pattern of any unwanted contact that persists and makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Here’s how to spot stalking – look out for the FOUR warning signs:

  • Fixated (the stalker is obsessed with you)
  • Obsessed (their behaviour goes beyond normal attention)
  • Unwanted (you’ve made it clear you don’t want contact)
  • Repeated (it keeps happening).

What to do if you’re being stalked

If you believe you are being stalked, there are steps you can take:

  • Document the behaviour: Keep a record of all unwanted contact, including dates, times, and details of what happened.
  • Tell someone you trust: Talk to a friend, family member, colleague or a police officer about what is happening.
  • Increase your safety: Consider changing your routines, varying your routes, and letting trusted people know where you are going and share your location.
  • Speak to the police: If you are worried about your safety, report it to the police. You can call us on 101 or report using Live Chat on our website. In emergencies, always dial 999. The police can apply for a Stalking Protection Order (SPO) which is a civil order and protects victims of stalking.

Remember, you are not alone. Stalking is a serious crime, and there are resources and support services available to help you stay safe.



Read about all the latest news and social events that have been happening at St Peter’s (Saltley) along with general community news and announcements.

Video from the Economic Crime Unit – West Midlands Police regarding Scams