We offer 58 self-contained flats on our main site at St Peter’s (Saltley) and six houses within the local area which are all let on a general needs basis to those who are 18 years and over.
St Peter’s (Saltley) is a small Housing association and our waiting list is opened when the list falls to a maximum of 10 applicants.
Any lists that are open will be advertised here so please keep checking this page for updates.
The waiting list for our general needs 1 bedroom properties is now open for new housing applications. Please email office@stpetershousing.org.uk or call on 0121 327 7265 for a Housing Application Form. The waiting lists for our 2 & 3 bedroom properties still remain closed for new housing applications. We will update this webpage when they are open again.
- Click to download the cost of running your home
- Click to download Right to Rent – document checklist
- Click to download our Pets Policy
Applications to Rent with St Peter’s (Saltley)
All applicants to St Peter’s (Saltley) are considered in line with a banding system. All applicants will be interviewed within 8 weeks of receiving an application and placed in the relevant band.
Band 1 |
Band 2 |
Band 3 |
For more detailed information on assessment/interview and offers of properties, please download the General Lettings Policy:
- Click to download our Allocations Policy
- Click to download our Tenancy Policy
- Click to download our Transfer and Exchange Policy
Birmingham City Council properties
Birmingham City Council’s Choice Based Lettings Scheme is the way that the Council let their homes. Every week the properties available are advertised on the Birmingham Home Choice website and applicants can choose whether to bid on a property. More information about this scheme is available on www.birminghamchoice.co.uk.