Performance Information

How we compare to others

St Peter’s is a member of a national benchmarking group independently facilitated by an organisation called Acuity. Within this, we are part of the West Midlands Small Providers Benchmarking Group (WMSPB). In 2021/22 WMSPB comprised eighteen small housing associations of a comparable size to St Peter’s, all based in the West Midlands. All of the data in this chart is collated independently by Acuity who issue the figures to group members each year.

* All small housing providers who are part of the Acuity benchmarking club

** West Midlands Small Providers Benchmarking group members

Housemark median – the national median for larger social landlords who subscribe to Housemark, most of which have significantly more housing stock than St Peter’s – usually well over 1,000 units.

§ Housemark figures for repairs for 2021/22 were not available at the time of writing. Housemark repairs figures therefore relate to 2020/21